A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. – Elizabeth Gilbert
Love this quote from the beautiful Elizabeth Gilbert and if you can relate, well you are in the right place.
I started my first blog back in 2009 to share a little bit of my life as a creative, stay at home Mom. At the time, I was a very busy Mom to three young kiddos who were in lots of activities with tight schedules, car pooling and very little time for myself. Creativity was most definitely my outlet. Whenever I had the time, you would find me belly up to our kitchen table sewing home decor items, matching outfits for my girls and whatever else I felt passionate about. This passion later became a small in-home business Stitch a Wish Designs for several years. Since then, I’ve made hundreds of colorful tutus & handbags. Also, belts, superhero capes, personalized beach towels, flippity flops and eventually hand-stamped jewelry, painted signs and my favorite “greeensleeves” upcycled woolen arm warmers.
Here are some of my favorite projects I’ve done over the years.
NOTE: (It’s a work in progress as I’ve got many years of posts to sort through many with broken links so please check back regularly.)